Time 14:00



Venice, Mantua, Cremona: the three main cities of Claudio Monteverdi's life

Venice, Mantua, Cremona: the three main cities of Claudio Monteverdi's life

A journey, an “upstream route” to follow the same itinerary made several times by Monteverdi himself, starting from the Venetian Republic, last destination of the composer, probably the most desired, to reach Mantova where the Divine Claudio lived at the Gonzaga court, and to arrive finally at Cremona, his hometown, on the Festival inauguration day.

A sweet and slow wandering like the river’s waters to discover landscapes, art, culture and music.

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platea e palchi€ 45,00€ 40,00
galleria€ 40,00€ 35,00
loggione€ 35,00€ 30,00
biglietto studenti**€ 12,00

 *riduzione per possessori tessera Touring, FAI, Welcome Card, giovani under 30, ex abbonati, possessori del biglietto del Museo del Violino (che ha in programma la mostra I violini di Vivaldi e le Figli di Choro - 5 maggio - 1° agosto)

Per usufruire del biglietto ridotto è necessario chiamare la biglietteria del Teatro (tel. 0372 022001/002 - lun/ven 10.00 - 18.00 sab/dom 10.00 - 13.00)

biglietto cumulativo delle due serate
(L'Orfeo - Dittico Monteverdiano)
platea e palchi€ 70,00

 **riduzione studenti under 30

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